Public Gardens in the US and
~~~~~~~ Botanic, Arboretum, Aquatic and Other Gardens. All public - some charge fees. Map Usage:
get you close, but then use the address
to find it.
Tell your gardening
friends " IForgotTheName.com "
By Don Buroker , Tom Hillegass and Suzanna Hillegass For your mobile phone or tablet, use the browser to go to www.GardenFone.info and bookmark it. Download the data for your GPS at POIFactory. Please email us public gardens that we are missing. All we need is name, address and phone. How to make email work with GMAIL, YAHOO, etc If you wish to add a garden review, add it to Yelp or Tripadvisor and we will access it from here. ~This web site is dedicated to Tom's wife, Suzanna, whose love of gardening and of visiting gardens inspired the project.~ |
reciprocity (blue): Means this garden belongs to the
American Horticultural Society (AHS)
Reciprocal Admissions Program
in 2014. If a visitor becomes a member of one participating garden s/he
gets benefits at all particiapting gardens - usually including free
admission or parking as well as other benefits - call or visit the
garden's web site to learn more. |